A Guide to Moissanite Diamonds
If you’re looking for a stunning diamond alternative, moissanite diamonds might be the perfect pick for you. Moissanite is becoming more and more popular in the world of jewellery because it is beautiful, durable, and affordable. But what makes a moissanite diamond different from a traditional diamond? Let's explore the unique features of these sparkling gems.
What is Moissanite?
Moissanite is a lab-created gemstone made of silicon carbide. It was first discovered by French chemist Henri Moissan in 1893 but was not available commercially until much later. Thanks to its durability, fire, brilliance, and affordability, moissanite has become a great choice for those who want to enjoy the look of diamonds without breaking the bank.
How Does it Compare to Traditional Diamonds?
Moissanites are often compared to traditional diamonds because they have many similarities - but there are also some key differences that make them stand out from their natural counterparts. For one thing, moissanites have more fire and brilliance than diamonds because they refract light better than traditional stones; this gives them an extra sparkle that can’t be matched by any other gemstone. Additionally, moissanites are much more affordable than diamonds -you can get a stunning one-carat stone for less than £300! Finally, unlike diamonds which are mined from precious rocks deep underground, moissanites are made in labs using advanced technology so they don’t need to be extracted from nature or mined at all - making them environmentally friendly and ethical choices for those looking for sustainable jewellery options.
Overall, moissanite diamonds are an excellent option if you’re looking for an affordable diamond alternative with lots of shine and sparkle. Not only do they cost less than traditional diamonds, but they also have more fire and brilliance as well as being environmentally conscious due to their lab-created status. Whether you’re looking for something special for yourself or someone else, these stones make gorgeous gifts that will last a lifetime. Shop Moissanite Diamonds